
Ona ČERNIAUSKIENĖ (1907–1987) Bronislovas ČERNIAUSKAS (1890–1971) Genovaitė ČERNIAUSKYTĖ (1931)

Under the request of priest Polikarpas Macijauskas, the family of Ona amd Bronislavas Černiauskas, who were living in Sarakiškiai village, Užventis subdistrict, Kelmė district, began rescuing the Jews. People of Jewish nationality were constantly visiting their home during all years of the war: they would sleep there and were given food. Rachel Kacav and Esther Krengel with their mothers-in-law Riva Glas and Musya Blecher stayed in that family for eight months.
The farmstead was by the road and near the centre of the settlement, therefore the eyes of strangers had to be avoided at all times. Genovaitė Černiauskytė’s (now Dugnienė) duty was to issue a timely warning, if anybody was coming, so the fugitives had time to hide.
Keywords: gelbėtojai Girbudas Macijauskas Songaila Černiauskas Rachilė Kacevienė (Kacav); Esther Krengel; Merė Blecher; Riva Glas
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